
Infos for IBM 000-004 test

000-004 Test information:
Full name : IBM Tivoli Storage Manager V6.1 Administration
Number of questions: 62
Time allowed in minutes: 75
Required passing score: 69%
Test languages: English

Courses and publications are offered to help you prepare for the certification tests. The courses are recommended, but not required, before taking a certification test. When preparing for the certification test, keep in mind that real world experience is required to stand a reasonable chance of passing the certification test.  Courseware does not replace the requirement for experience.  If you want to purchase Web-based training courses or are unable to locate a Web-based course or classroom course at the time and location you desire, please feel free to contact one of our delivery management teams at:

If you are struggling for getting tremendous career growth , you must have understood the importance of Testpassport 000-004 exam test. The weight of a candidature increases automatically with IBM Tivoli Storage Manager V6.1 Administration. The raising number of people giving IBM Tivoli Storage Manager V6.1 Administration 000-004 exam increases every years and it can make a person spend sleepless nights.

